Help Aria Get on the Ballot!

Click the button below to Download the Ballot Petition to have your friends & family sign

We need 2,000 signatures by May 1st to qualify for the ballot. Follow these instructions to help Aria gather signatures:

  1. Click here to download the petition

  2. Print 1 or more copies.

  3. Gather 10 or more signatures.

  4. Mail completed pages to:

    Aria for Senate 2024
    929 N 145th St #33583
    Seattle, WA, 98133

Aria’s goal is to run the cheapest U.S. Senate campaign in modern history.

Since Aria refuses to take dirty money from corrupt lobbyist groups (like AIPAC) or from big corporate interests, her campaign operates on small donations & grassroots efforts, which is why we’re starting with the ballot petition. Help us prove to our corrupt congress members that you don’t need to take dirty money to run a successful campaign.